Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Hunky Tech Repairs Let's face facts... even the best designed and most expensive technology eventually breaks. But does that mean it needs to go to the trash bin or the dumpster? NO! We will show you how to fix or upgrade your technology devices. Read the Full Story

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Template Configuration

To configure the template, go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_grunge_j15. There you will find a list of all the template parameters. You can control many aspects of the template here. If you mouseover the labels/names of each parameter, a description will appear via tooltip to outline what each parameter does.


The template has an integrated PNG fix for IE6 that allows transparent PNG32 images to show, as intended, in the IE6 browser. All you need to do is add class="png" to the element such as the change in the following example:-

<img src="images/sample1.png" alt="sample" />

Change to

<img src="images/sample1.png" alt="sample" class="png" />
Parent Category: Latest Content
Category: Demo Articles

Installation Instructions

This guide covers the basics of installing a template.

Downloading the necessary files

To install the template, you will need one of the following files:

  • Grunge Template (Standalone) rt_grunge_j15.tgz - This is the standalone template file that you use to install into Joomla.
  • Grunge Template (Bundle) rt_grunge_j15-bundle.tar.gz - This is the bundle package, containing the template and Gantry library files, that you use to install into Joomla.
Only use the Bundle package on a clean install, or on an install that does NOT have the Gantry library already installed - /components/com_gantry. Use the standalone package if the Gantry library is already present.

There are other files that you may wish to download that accompany the release, but are not required for the template to work.

  • Grunge Source PNG(s) - This contains all the Adobe® Fireworks PNG source files for the template, and if applicable, the logo font.

Step 1 - Using the Joomla installer

  • Login into the Joomla administrator (
  • Go to Extensions → Install/Uninstall
  • Select the browse button and find rt_grunge_j15.tgz or rt_grunge_j15-bundle.tar.gz
  • Click Upload & Install

The template is now installed.

Step 2 - Making Grunge Default

  • Login into the Joomla administrator (
  • Go to Extensions → Template Manager
  • Find rt_grunge_j15
  • Select the radio icon to its left
  • Click Default in the top right button menu

The template is now default and will appear as your site theme.

Parent Category: Latest Content
Category: Demo Articles

Menu Setup

CSS Dropdown Menu

Grunge is outfitted for support for a CSS driven dropdown menu. Setup is simple, just follow the instructions below:-

  • Login into the Joomla administrator
  • Go to Extensions → Module Manager
  • Select the New button
  • Select Menu from the list
  • Set the Title to No; Set the Menu Name to mainmenu; Set Always show sub-menu items to yes
  • Select either header-bheader-f as the position

Effectively, all you need to do is assign a Menu Module to the Header-B position.

How to create Child / Sublevel menu items in Joomla

In order for menu dropdowns to appear, you need to setup parent and child menu items.

  • Login into the Joomla administrator
  • Go to Menu → Menu Name
  • Select a menu item that you wish to be in the dropdown
  • Locate the Parent Item form
  • Select the menu item that you wish for your item to appear under
  • Save

Perform the same task for all menu items that you wish to be child items.

Parent Category: Latest Content
Category: Demo Articles

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